Parsha Vaeira with Rabbi Tzvi Alyesh
This week’s Parsha, Vaeira, brings us to the story of the liberation of the Hebrew slaves from Egypt, a story very familiar to those of us accustomed to hearing it around the Passover table year after year.
This week’s Parsha, Vaeira, brings us to the story of the liberation of the Hebrew slaves from Egypt, a story very familiar to those of us accustomed to hearing it around the Passover table year after year.
This week, we move on to the Second Book of the Torah, known in Hebrew as Shemot, and in English as Exodus. This week’s parshah
This week’s parshah, Vayechi, begins with Jacob on his deathbed. The last great Patriarch of the Book of Genesis, Jacob, knows that the end is near. And he does what one might expect any patriarch to do in such a situation: He summons his sons before him to dispense wisdom, expectations, and prophecy.
I think I speak for most people when I say that if someone tried to kill me, or to completely uproot my life by selling me
By Rabbi Danny Wolfe Every single year, without exception, the phenomenally inspiring story of Joseph coincides with Chanukah. The question that many ask, is what
This week’s parshah brings us the tales of two independent women – Women who have agency, creativity, cleverness, and decisiveness. These are not the first and certainly not the last powerful female characters we meet in the Torah, but they certainly serve as a potent reminder that our Jewish holy books value female intelligence, influence, and autonomy despite what contemporary attackers of traditional Judaism may say.
Enjoy this short video with insights on this week’s Parsha from Rabbi Wolfe
By Rabbi Tzvi Alyesh Elon Musk officially became Lord Commander of Twitter this week, sending shockwavesthrough the planet. An app that limits our expression to
This week, we read the story of Noach, his family, the Great Flood, and the Ark that saved them. God felt the world as it was had lost its right to continue. But why? What was the mortal sin that left God compelled to flood the world and save Noach, his family, and select pairs of animals? Some say theft, some say adultery. I think we can find the answer right here in our home town of Denver.